GM, my name is

Muhammad Zain Khan

Passionate Full-Stack WEB3.0 DEV with a strong focus on smart contract development, integration, and security on EVM blockchains.

see my resume

what i do

blockchain development

  • Experience in developing smart contract using Solidity on EVM chains
  • Building Scripts for automated and manual testing & deployment of smart contracts using Foundry and Hardhat
  • Experience of using Openzeppelin and Standard Libraries for smart contract development
  • Building Dapps with ReactJS, NextJS, Wagmi, Wallet Connect, Solidity, Alchemy and Pinata

Full-Stack Development

  • Authentication and authorization (e.g. using OAuth2 or JWT)
  • Building websites using ReactJS and NextJS
  • Building RESTful APIs in NestJS Framework using MongoDB
  • Performance optimization and scalability using caching

Cloud Infra-Architecture

  • Hosting and maintaining websites on virtual machine instances along with integration of databases
  • Building CI/CD pipelines for automated testing & deployment using Github Actions

where i've worked

Full-Stack Blockchain Developer @The Game Company

Aug 2023 - Currently Working

  • Development of 3 smart contracts including tokens, tournaments, and staking.
  • Development of DApps (contributed on the frontend, backend, and smart contract) on blockchain platforms like Ethereum, Polygon, etc.
  • Working with ICP and SUI cross-functional teams to identify and prioritize blockchain use cases and opportunities.
  • Collaborating with product managers and other stakeholders to define and refine product requirements and technical specifications.

Projects I have worked On


what's next

get in touch

Whether you have a project to discuss or just want to say hi, my inbox is open for all!

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